Welcome to Ron & Latisha’s home on the web

True Soul-Mates now, forever and always

We are putting together this website to share our love with our friends and family.

We met in 2003 and were friends through the years.  We both went thru divorces in 2012 and decided that we had much in common and decided to start dating.

We officially started dating on December 27, 2012 and I am still not sure what I ever did to deserve such a princess but I am glad i did it.

Until I fell in love with Latisha I never really understood the concept of True Love nor did I understand the true concept of a soul mate or unconditional love.

Thankfully she has shown me the meaning of each of these and everyday I fall deeper in love with her.

Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you come back often to see what we are up to.

Photo of the Moment


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